Thursday, September 24, 2009

BACK TO THE MOON: the rocket that should get us there again

that are not many interesting facts about this rocket because,well, the program is still not compltely done. it is build for the journey of over lower orbit specifically to get back to the moon by 2020, and replacing the space shuttles. there words about the posibility of using it to the mars, but nasa keep it to the moon to this time. until now, we can only compare it to the saturn V and space shuttles.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

BACK TO THE MOON: the rocket that brought us there

On july 20th, 1967, the first men set a foot on the moon. neil armstrong, followed by edward aldrin reached the moon after thousands of years men had been mesmerized by it. in 1972 lunar mission is over, ended by Apollo 17. to most people Apollo is the image of a launching rocket. that is a false perception, because Apollo is the name of the mission. eg, Apollo 11, Apollo 13 etc. the rocket used in Apollo missions were the Saturn V (pronounced Saturn five).
Even until today, when NASA had brought down their all their manned space flight by rocket and replaced it by space shuttle, Saturn five remains as the superior in all three views: height, weight and payload standpoint. The payload standpoint outstandingly surpasses the space shuttle by 22600 kg, almost double of what the space shuttle could take to the low earth orbit, and has to be reminded the Saturn V had never had serious problem to cause a complete failure while the space shuttle did, twice by Challenger and Columbia.